A wonton (also spelled wantan , or wuntun in transliteration from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húntun ) is a type of Chinese dumpling commonly found across regional styles of Chinese cuisine.
Year | Metadata | Sections | Top Words | First Paragraph |
2018 |
107356 characters 14 sections 29 paragraphs 15 images 497 internal links 16 external links |
wonton 0.700 wontons 0.435 wrapper 0.140 filling 0.104 hundun 0.085 sealing 0.085 fried 0.080 soup 0.078 chinese 0.076 corners 0.073 shape 0.069 folding 0.065 shanghai 0.063 shrimp 0.060 chāo 0.057 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , or wuntun in transliteration from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húntun ) is a type of Chinese dumpling commonly found across regional styles of Chinese cuisine. |
2017 |
97766 characters 12 sections 25 paragraphs 13 images 486 internal links 7 external links |
wonton 0.643 wontons 0.474 wrapper 0.161 filling 0.120 sealing 0.098 wantan 0.098 corners 0.083 fried 0.079 soup 0.077 folding 0.075 shanghai 0.073 chinese 0.072 shape 0.067 closing 0.065 hundun 0.065 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , or wuntun ) is a type of food commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines. |
2016 |
98408 characters 12 sections 26 paragraphs 13 images 488 internal links 7 external links |
wonton 0.641 wontons 0.473 wrapper 0.160 filling 0.119 sealing 0.097 wantan 0.097 corners 0.083 fried 0.079 chinese 0.077 soup 0.077 folding 0.075 shanghai 0.072 shape 0.066 closing 0.065 hundun 0.065 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húndun or húntun ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2015 |
76084 characters 14 sections 26 paragraphs 11 images 323 internal links 5 external links |
wonton 0.650 wontons 0.480 wrapper 0.162 filling 0.121 sealing 0.099 soup 0.084 corners 0.084 folding 0.076 fried 0.074 shanghai 0.073 shape 0.067 cantonese 0.067 closing 0.066 kiao 0.066 triangle 0.066 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húndun [xwə̌n tʰwən] ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2014 |
73381 characters 12 sections 23 paragraphs 9 images 319 internal links 4 external links |
wonton 0.648 wontons 0.470 wrapper 0.168 filling 0.125 sealing 0.102 soup 0.094 corners 0.087 shape 0.083 folding 0.078 fried 0.077 shanghai 0.076 cantonese 0.070 closing 0.068 húntun 0.068 kiao 0.068 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húntun [xwə̌n tʰwən] ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2013 |
63256 characters 12 sections 21 paragraphs 7 images 315 internal links 4 external links |
wonton 0.640 wontons 0.473 wrapper 0.179 filling 0.119 sealing 0.109 corners 0.093 shape 0.089 folding 0.083 fried 0.082 shanghai 0.081 soup 0.079 cantonese 0.074 closing 0.073 húntun 0.073 triangle 0.073 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húntun [xwə̌n.dwə̌n] ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2012 |
63865 characters 12 sections 21 paragraphs 7 images 315 internal links 6 external links |
wonton 0.610 wontons 0.490 wrapper 0.186 filling 0.123 sealing 0.113 corners 0.096 shape 0.092 folding 0.086 shanghai 0.084 soup 0.081 fried 0.077 cantonese 0.077 bok 0.075 closing 0.075 triangle 0.075 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húndùn [xwə̌n.dwə̌n] ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2011 |
57243 characters 11 sections 17 paragraphs 6 images 301 internal links 3 external links |
wonton 0.589 wontons 0.512 wrapper 0.206 sealing 0.125 corners 0.107 filling 0.102 shape 0.102 folding 0.096 shanghai 0.093 cantonese 0.085 bok 0.084 closing 0.084 triangle 0.084 jiangnan 0.082 choy 0.071 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húntún [xwə̌n.tʰwə̌n] ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2010 |
39633 characters 11 sections 16 paragraphs 6 images 184 internal links 3 external links |
wonton 0.601 wontons 0.490 wrapper 0.210 sealing 0.128 filling 0.122 corners 0.109 shape 0.104 folding 0.098 shanghai 0.095 cantonese 0.087 bok 0.085 closing 0.085 triangle 0.085 jiangnan 0.084 choy 0.073 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; Mandarin : húntún [xwə̌n.tʰwə̌n] ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2009 |
37771 characters 11 sections 17 paragraphs 4 images 179 internal links 3 external links |
wonton 0.631 wontons 0.457 wrapper 0.210 filling 0.122 corners 0.109 shape 0.104 folding 0.098 shanghai 0.095 cantonese 0.087 bok 0.085 closing 0.085 sealing 0.085 triangle 0.085 jiangnan 0.084 choy 0.073 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; the Mandarin pronunciation is húntún ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2008 |
25908 characters 14 sections 19 paragraphs 4 images 60 internal links 4 external links |
wonton 0.664 wontons 0.391 wrapper 0.194 hun 0.118 sealing 0.118 tun 0.118 wrappers 0.103 corners 0.100 filling 0.096 edges 0.090 shanghai 0.087 shape 0.080 cantonese 0.080 closing 0.079 triangle 0.079 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese ; the Mandarin pronunciation is hundun ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines . |
2007 |
15666 characters 8 sections 10 paragraphs 3 images 40 internal links 0 external links |
wonton 0.658 wontons 0.417 wrapper 0.165 lye 0.156 cantonese 0.132 hands 0.110 filling 0.095 dumpling 0.091 pastry 0.087 chinese 0.081 applying 0.078 chāo 0.078 clouds 0.078 huntun 0.078 húntun 0.078 |
A wonton (also spelled wantan , wanton , or wuntun ) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines , as well as in American Chinese cuisine . |
2006 |
10611 characters 4 sections 7 paragraphs 2 images 32 internal links 0 external links |
wonton 0.706 wuntun 0.268 wontons 0.205 餛飩 0.201 houses 0.201 tortellini 0.134 tun 0.134 lye 0.134 italian 0.134 pasta 0.114 minced 0.107 pronounced 0.102 chinese 0.099 english 0.094 wrapper 0.094 |
Wonton ( Chinese : 餛 飩 details ), also written as wantan , wanton and numerous other variations, are a type of dumpling common in Chinese cuisine . |
2005 |
10006 characters 5 sections 7 paragraphs 3 images 23 internal links 4 external links |
wonton 0.673 餛飩 0.261 wontons 0.199 雲吞 0.174 lye 0.174 aroma 0.171 pasta 0.148 minced 0.140 wrapper 0.122 filled 0.115 wrappers 0.114 portion 0.102 pastry 0.097 distinct 0.088 jewish 0.087 |
Wonton (雲吞 or 餛飩; Cantonese IPA : wɐn 11 tʰɐn 55 / ) (also written wantan , wanton and numerous other variations) are a type of dumpling common in Chinese cuisine . |
2004 |
4290 characters 2 sections 5 paragraphs 0 images 15 internal links 0 external links |
wonton 0.661 wontons 0.270 餛飩 0.235 lye 0.235 pasta 0.200 wrapper 0.165 minced 0.151 homonym 0.117 clouds 0.117 tortellini 0.117 wantan 0.117 云吞 0.117 雲吞 0.117 italian 0.117 poetic 0.117 |
Wonton (also written wantan , wanton and numerous other variations) are a type of dumpling common in Chinese cuisine . |