White cut chicken

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a type of siu mei . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted. The dish is common to the cultures of Southern China , including Guangdong , Fujian and Hong Kong . [1] [2]

Page Revisions

Year Metadata Sections Top Words First Paragraph

56383 characters

3 sections

5 paragraphs

6 images

355 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. See also

3. References

siu 0.249

chicken 0.228

mei 0.224

cilantro 0.171

white 0.167

condiment 0.155

ginger 0.152

entirety 0.146

geung 0.146

gēung 0.146

jīang 0.146

pinkish 0.146

residual 0.146

rōng 0.146

secreted 0.146

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a type of siu mei . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted. The dish is common to the cultures of Southern China , including Guangdong , Fujian and Hong Kong . [1] [2]


46988 characters

3 sections

5 paragraphs

6 images

253 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. See also

3. References

siu 0.252

chicken 0.230

mei 0.226

cilantro 0.173

white 0.169

condiment 0.157

ginger 0.153

entirety 0.148

geung 0.148

gēung 0.148

jīang 0.148

pinkish 0.148

residual 0.148

rōng 0.148

secreted 0.148

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a type of siu mei . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted. The dish is common to the cultures of Southern China , including Guangdong , Fujian and Hong Kong . [1] [2]


48615 characters

4 sections

7 paragraphs

6 images

253 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. References

jīang 0.275

siu 0.234

condiment 0.219

chicken 0.214

mei 0.210

jyutping 0.210

ginger 0.179

cilantro 0.161

white 0.157

entirety 0.138

pinkish 0.138

residual 0.138

rōng 0.138

secreted 0.138

seldom 0.138

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a type of siu mei . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


47267 characters

4 sections

7 paragraphs

6 images

247 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. References

jīang 0.283

siu 0.241

condiment 0.226

chicken 0.221

mei 0.217

ginger 0.184

cilantro 0.166

white 0.162

entirety 0.142

pinkish 0.142

residual 0.142

rōng 0.142

secreted 0.142

seldom 0.142

liquid 0.138

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a type of siu mei . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


39166 characters

4 sections

7 paragraphs

5 images

189 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. References

jīang 0.286

siu 0.244

condiment 0.228

chicken 0.223

mei 0.219

ginger 0.186

cilantro 0.167

white 0.164

entirety 0.143

pinkish 0.143

residual 0.143

rōng 0.143

seldom 0.143

liquid 0.140

finely 0.129

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a type of siu mei . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


39424 characters

5 sections

7 paragraphs

5 images

187 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. Gallery

5. References

jīang 0.291

siu 0.248

condiment 0.232

chicken 0.227

mei 0.223

ginger 0.189

cilantro 0.170

white 0.167

entirety 0.146

pinkish 0.146

residual 0.146

liquid 0.142

finely 0.132

yóu 0.124

coloured 0.124

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a siu mei . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


36761 characters

5 sections

7 paragraphs

4 images

186 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. Gallery

5. References

jīang 0.297

siu 0.253

chicken 0.232

mei 0.228

ginger 0.193

cilantro 0.174

white 0.170

condiment 0.158

entirety 0.149

pinkish 0.149

residual 0.149

liquid 0.145

finely 0.134

yóu 0.127

coloured 0.127

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a siu mei . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


36688 characters

5 sections

8 paragraphs

4 images

186 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. Gallery

5. References

jīang 0.301

siu 0.256

mei 0.230

chicken 0.208

cilantro 0.176

condiment 0.160

ginger 0.156

cantonese 0.153

populations 0.150

entirety 0.150

residual 0.150

simplicity 0.150

liquid 0.147

white 0.138

finely 0.136

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a variety of siu mei , or roasted meat dishes, within Cantonese cuisine . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


35648 characters

5 sections

8 paragraphs

3 images

183 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. Gallery

5. References

jīang 0.302

siu 0.257

mei 0.231

chicken 0.209

cilantro 0.177

condiment 0.160

ginger 0.157

cantonese 0.154

populations 0.151

entirety 0.151

residual 0.151

simplicity 0.151

liquid 0.147

white 0.138

finely 0.137

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a variety of siu mei , or roasted meat dishes, within Cantonese cuisine . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


23460 characters

5 sections

7 paragraphs

3 images

128 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. Gallery

5. References

jīang 0.353

siu 0.301

mei 0.270

condiment 0.187

chicken 0.183

cantonese 0.180

populations 0.176

entirety 0.176

residual 0.176

simplicity 0.176

yóu 0.150

success 0.150

coloured 0.150

heat 0.144

ginger 0.138

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a variety of siu mei , or roasted meat dishes, within Cantonese cuisine . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


12633 characters

5 sections

7 paragraphs

3 images

20 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Region

3. See also

4. Gallery

5. References

jīang 0.358

siu 0.305

mei 0.274

condiment 0.190

chicken 0.186

cantonese 0.183

populations 0.179

entirety 0.179

simplicity 0.179

yóu 0.153

success 0.153

coloured 0.153

heat 0.146

ginger 0.140

roasted 0.137

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a variety of siu mei , or roasted meat dishes, within Cantonese cuisine . [1] Unlike most other meats in the siu mei category, this particular dish is not roasted.


9162 characters

2 sections

3 paragraphs

3 images

20 internal links

0 external links

1. See also

2. Gallery

siu 0.395

mashed 0.395

mei 0.355

roasted 0.266

solely 0.232

closeup 0.232

ginger 0.181

steam 0.177

white 0.159

chinatown 0.152

heavily 0.152

category 0.152

flavoring 0.129

cases 0.123

guangdong 0.123

White cut chicken or white sliced chicken is a variety of siu mei , or roasted meat dishes, within Cantonese cuisine . Unlike the other roasted meat in the siu mei category, this dish is steam roasted to create the light color texture white meat appearance. The chicken is generally tender.