
Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura , [tẽ̞mpɯᵝɾa] ) is a Japanese dish usually consisting of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried . The dish was influenced by fritter -cooking techniques introduced by Portuguese residing in Nagasaki in the 16th century, and the name "tempura" relates to that origin.

Page Revisions

Year Metadata Sections Top Words First Paragraph

78775 characters

16 sections

23 paragraphs

23 images

340 internal links

10 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.816

batter 0.254

tempora 0.096

fried 0.077

breadcrumbs 0.072

ember 0.072

furai 0.072

panko 0.072

deep 0.071

days 0.071

portuguese 0.070

flour 0.068

oil 0.063

fritter 0.062

soba 0.059

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura , [tẽ̞mpɯᵝɾa] ) is a Japanese dish usually consisting of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried . The dish was influenced by fritter -cooking techniques introduced by Portuguese residing in Nagasaki in the 16th century, and the name "tempura" relates to that origin.


77635 characters

16 sections

23 paragraphs

22 images

336 internal links

10 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.813

batter 0.280

tempora 0.096

fried 0.076

breadcrumbs 0.072

ember 0.072

fritters 0.072

furai 0.072

panko 0.072

deep 0.071

days 0.071

portuguese 0.070

flour 0.067

oil 0.063

soba 0.059

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura , [tẽ̞mpɯᵝra] ) is a classical Portuguese dish brought to and popularized by Japan , consisting of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


78237 characters

16 sections

30 paragraphs

22 images

337 internal links

10 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.806

batter 0.269

fritters 0.097

tempora 0.097

fried 0.077

breadcrumbs 0.073

ember 0.073

furai 0.073

panko 0.073

deep 0.072

days 0.072

portuguese 0.071

flour 0.068

oil 0.063

break 0.060

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura , [tẽ̞mpɯᵝra] ) is a Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


78013 characters

16 sections

28 paragraphs

22 images

342 internal links

11 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.809

batter 0.231

portuguese 0.104

breadcrumbs 0.089

furai 0.089

panko 0.089

tempora 0.089

break 0.073

soba 0.073

baking 0.068

fried 0.067

ice 0.066

oil 0.061

tokugawa 0.059

ember 0.059

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura ) is a Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


74467 characters

16 sections

28 paragraphs

20 images

337 internal links

8 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.809

batter 0.231

portuguese 0.104

breadcrumbs 0.089

furai 0.089

panko 0.089

tempora 0.089

break 0.073

soba 0.073

baking 0.068

fried 0.067

ice 0.066

oil 0.061

tokugawa 0.059

ember 0.059

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura ) is a Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


67378 characters

14 sections

24 paragraphs

15 images

331 internal links

8 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.762

batter 0.242

portuguese 0.137

breadcrumbs 0.100

furai 0.100

panko 0.100

tempora 0.100

tenpura 0.100

soba 0.083

baking 0.077

ice 0.074

fried 0.069

oil 0.069

tokugawa 0.067

ember 0.067

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura ) is a Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


63218 characters

14 sections

24 paragraphs

14 images

304 internal links

9 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.761

batter 0.241

portuguese 0.137

panko 0.134

breadcrumbs 0.100

furai 0.100

tempora 0.100

soba 0.082

baking 0.077

oil 0.069

tokugawa 0.067

ember 0.067

fritters 0.067

holy 0.067

nontraditional 0.067

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura ) is a Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


60568 characters

13 sections

18 paragraphs

14 images

298 internal links

9 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.764

batter 0.261

panko 0.108

tempora 0.108

baking 0.083

oil 0.074

tokugawa 0.072

breadcrumbs 0.072

ember 0.072

fritters 0.072

furai 0.072

holy 0.072

nontraditional 0.072

seconds 0.072

tempero 0.072

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura ) , is a Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


58140 characters

13 sections

18 paragraphs

13 images

297 internal links

7 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.771

batter 0.264

tempora 0.109

baking 0.084

oil 0.075

tokugawa 0.073

breadcrumbs 0.073

ember 0.073

fritters 0.073

furai 0.073

holy 0.073

panko 0.073

seconds 0.073

tempero 0.073

tenpura 0.073

Tempura ( 天ぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura ) , is a Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


34132 characters

13 sections

18 paragraphs

9 images

96 internal links

4 external links

1. Preparation

2. History

3. Variations

4. See also

5. References

tempura 0.774

batter 0.265

tempora 0.110

portuguese 0.086

baking 0.084

oil 0.075

tokugawa 0.073

breadcrumbs 0.073

ember 0.073

fritters 0.073

furai 0.073

holy 0.073

panko 0.073

seconds 0.073

tempero 0.073

Tempura ( 天麩羅 , tenpura , also written as "天ぷら") , which may be of Portuguese origin, is a popular Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried .


29535 characters

7 sections

19 paragraphs

8 images

102 internal links

3 external links

1. Preparation

2. History and variations

3. See also

4. References

tempura 0.774

batter 0.258

panko 0.107

tempora 0.107

baking 0.082

frying 0.078

oil 0.073

tokugawa 0.071

breadcrumbs 0.071

ember 0.071

fritters 0.071

holy 0.071

seconds 0.071

tempero 0.071

tenpura 0.071

A light batter is made of cold water and wheat flour . Eggs , baking soda or baking powder , starch , oil , and/or spices may also be added. Tempura batter is traditionally mixed in small batches using chopsticks for only a few seconds, leaving lumps in the mixture that, along with the cold batter temperature, result in the unique fluffy and crisp tempura structure when cooked. The batter is often kept cold by adding ice, or by placing the bowl inside a larger bowl with ice in it. Over-mixing the batter will result in production of wheat gluten , which causes the flour mixture to become chewy and dough-like when fried.


22649 characters

8 sections

10 paragraphs

6 images

81 internal links

10 external links

1. Preparation

2. History and variations

3. References

4. External links

5. See also

tempura 0.785

batter 0.171

panko 0.123

tenpura 0.123

night 0.114

oden 0.105

baking 0.094

battered 0.094

watery 0.081

frying 0.080

soba 0.076

portuguese 0.072

fruit 0.065

udon 0.065

strips 0.062

Tempura ( てんぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura ) is a classic Japanese dish of deep fried lightly- battered vegetables or seafood .


17518 characters

2 sections

9 paragraphs

6 images

81 internal links

7 external links

1. External links

2. See also

tempura 0.740

batter 0.259

tenpura 0.133

night 0.123

oden 0.113

missionaries 0.113

ice 0.111

dipped 0.097

classic 0.094

soba 0.082

portuguese 0.078

deep 0.074

udon 0.071

exceptions 0.067

seldom 0.067

Tempura ( てんぷら or 天麩羅 , tenpura ) refers to classic Japanese deep fried batter-dipped seafood and vegetables . The batter is made of ice cold water , flour , and eggs (or egg yolks ). Small dry bite-sized pieces of food are dipped in flour , then in batter, and then deep fried for 2-3 minutes. In high-class restaurants, sesame oil or a mixture of sesame and other cooking oils is used.


10692 characters

2 sections

8 paragraphs

3 images

60 internal links

6 external links

1. External links

2. See also

tempura 0.698

batter 0.199

missionaries 0.153

dipped 0.131

buckwheat 0.111

soba 0.111

portuguese 0.105

deep 0.100

ice 0.100

exceptions 0.090

cf 0.090

rarer 0.090

cereals 0.090

shoyu 0.090

agedashi 0.090

Tempura (天麩羅, てんぷら Tenpura ) refers to classic Japanese deep fried batter-dipped seafood and vegetables . The batter is made of ice cold water , flour , and egg yolks . Small dry bite-sized pieces of food are dipped in flour , then in batter, and then deep fried for 2-3 minutes. In high class restaurants, sesame oil or a mixture of sesame and other cooking oils is used. Because of the cost of sesame oil, this is rarer in lower grade restaurants.


6628 characters

0 sections

7 paragraphs

1 images

55 internal links

0 external links

tempura 0.724

batter 0.223

dipped 0.147

buckwheat 0.124

soba 0.124

ice 0.111

exceptions 0.100

shoyu 0.100

16th 0.100

天麩羅 0.100

painting 0.100

frying 0.087

fashion 0.085

yolks 0.085

coated 0.085

Tempura ( Japanese 天麩羅, てんぷら) refers to classic Japanese deep fried batter-dipped seafood and vegetables . The batter is made of ice cold water , flour , and egg yolks . Small dry bite-sized pieces of food are dipped in flour , then in batter, and then deep fried for 2-3 minutes. Batter-coated frying was adapted from 16th century Spanish and Portuguese missionaries to Japan .


5760 characters

0 sections

7 paragraphs

0 images

54 internal links

0 external links

tempura 0.710

batter 0.237

dipped 0.156

soba 0.131

ice 0.118

exceptions 0.106

shoyu 0.106

16th 0.106

tenpura 0.106

painting 0.106

frying 0.093

fashion 0.091

yolks 0.091

coated 0.091

tendon 0.091

Tempura (てんぷら, less commonly spelled "tenpura") refers to classic Japanese deep fried batter-dipped seafood and vegetables . The batter is made of ice cold water , flour , and egg yolks . Small dry bite-sized pieces of food are dipped in flour , then in batter, and then deep fried for 2-3 minutes. Batter-coated frying was adapted from 16th century Spanish and Portuguese missionaries to Japan .


2138 characters

0 sections

10 paragraphs

0 images

0 internal links

0 external links

tempura 0.617

don 0.270

batter 0.176

anago 0.159

conger 0.159

ayu 0.159

arrange 0.159

potato 0.143

seafood 0.141

arranged 0.135

kakiage 0.135

tentsuyu 0.135

scallop 0.121

banana 0.121

grocery 0.112

Tempura is a common dish in Japan often eaten for lunch or dinner. It is fried vegetables and seafood. The vegetables and seafood are covered with batter which is crispy and delicious. You serve it with tentsuyu(sauce)and grated daikon(raddish).