Tea egg

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory food commonly sold as a snack , in which a boiled egg is cracked slightly and then boiled again in tea , sauce and/or spices. It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble -like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, [1] it is also commonly served in Asian restaurants . Although it originated from China and is traditionally associated with Chinese cuisine , other similar recipes and variations have been developed throughout Asia .

Page Revisions

Year Metadata Sections Top Words First Paragraph

53262 characters

11 sections

9 paragraphs

17 images

168 internal links

6 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

pindang 0.363

telur 0.363

tea 0.360

eggs 0.345

egg 0.186

cracks 0.182

spiced 0.174

shell 0.140

cracked 0.139

steep 0.136

steeping 0.136

peeled 0.104

nasi 0.096

brownish 0.091

marble 0.091

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory food commonly sold as a snack , in which a boiled egg is cracked slightly and then boiled again in tea , sauce and/or spices. It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble -like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, [1] it is also commonly served in Asian restaurants . Although it originated from China and is traditionally associated with Chinese cuisine , other similar recipes and variations have been developed throughout Asia .


52350 characters

11 sections

8 paragraphs

17 images

166 internal links

5 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

pindang 0.368

telur 0.368

tea 0.364

eggs 0.349

spiced 0.211

cracks 0.184

egg 0.144

steep 0.138

steeping 0.138

shell 0.114

cracked 0.106

nasi 0.097

brownish 0.092

marble 0.092

marbled 0.092

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory food commonly sold as a snack , in which a boiled egg is cracked slightly and then boiled again in tea , sauce and/or spices. It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble -like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, [1] it is also commonly served in Asian restaurants . Although it originated from China and is traditionally associated with Chinese cuisine , other similar recipes and variations have been developed throughout Asia .


49439 characters

11 sections

8 paragraphs

16 images

161 internal links

5 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

pindang 0.370

telur 0.370

tea 0.367

eggs 0.336

spiced 0.213

cracks 0.185

egg 0.145

steep 0.139

steeping 0.139

shell 0.114

cracked 0.106

nasi 0.098

brownish 0.093

marble 0.093

marbled 0.093

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory food commonly sold as a snack , in which a boiled egg is cracked and then boiled again in tea, sauce and/or spices. It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble -like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, [1] it is also commonly served in Asian restaurants . Although it originated from China and is traditionally associated with Chinese cuisine , other similar recipes and variations have been developed throughout Asia .


48888 characters

11 sections

8 paragraphs

15 images

162 internal links

5 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

tea 0.380

pindang 0.367

telur 0.367

eggs 0.348

spiced 0.211

cracks 0.183

egg 0.143

steep 0.138

steeping 0.138

shell 0.113

cracked 0.105

nasi 0.097

brownish 0.092

marble 0.092

marbled 0.092

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory food commonly sold as a snack , in which a boiled egg is cracked and then boiled again in tea, sauce and/or spices. It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble -like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, [1] it is also commonly served in Asian restaurants . Although it originated from China and is traditionally associated with Chinese cuisine , other similar recipes and variations have been developed throughout Asia .


43302 characters

11 sections

8 paragraphs

11 images

159 internal links

5 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

tea 0.382

eggs 0.366

pindang 0.337

telur 0.337

spiced 0.221

cracks 0.193

steep 0.144

steeping 0.144

egg 0.139

shell 0.119

cracked 0.111

nasi 0.102

brownish 0.096

marble 0.096

marbled 0.096

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory food commonly sold as a snack , in which a pre-boiled egg is cracked and then boiled again in tea, sauce and/or spices. It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble -like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, [1] it is also commonly served in Asian restaurants . Although it originated from China and is traditionally associated with Chinese cuisine , other similar recipes and variations have been developed throughout Asia .


42514 characters

11 sections

8 paragraphs

11 images

155 internal links

1 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

tea 0.496

eggs 0.405

spiced 0.234

cracks 0.204

pindang 0.153

steep 0.153

steeping 0.153

telur 0.153

egg 0.147

shell 0.126

cracked 0.117

brownish 0.102

marble 0.102

marbled 0.102

dark 0.096

Tea egg is a typical Asian savory food commonly sold as a snack , in which a pre-boiled egg is cracked and then boiled again in tea, sauce and/or spices. It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble -like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, it is also commonly served in Asian restaurants. Although it originated from China and is traditionally associated with Chinese cuisine , other similar recipes and variations have been developed throughout Asia .


41966 characters

11 sections

8 paragraphs

11 images

148 internal links

1 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

tea 0.489

eggs 0.397

spiced 0.240

cracks 0.209

pindang 0.157

steep 0.157

steeping 0.157

telur 0.157

egg 0.151

shell 0.129

brownish 0.105

marble 0.105

marbled 0.105

dark 0.098

method 0.090

Tea egg is a typical Asian savory food commonly sold as a snack . It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble -like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, it is also commonly served in Asian restaurants. Although it is originated from China and traditionally associated with Chinese cuisine , other similar recipes and variations have been developed throughout Asia .


37118 characters

10 sections

8 paragraphs

11 images

127 internal links

0 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

tea 0.508

eggs 0.412

cracks 0.271

spiced 0.249

steep 0.163

steeping 0.163

shells 0.139

egg 0.118

marbled 0.109

spice 0.106

shell 0.101

flavor 0.096

anise 0.095

method 0.094

transferred 0.092

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory snack commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world.


35717 characters

10 sections

8 paragraphs

11 images

123 internal links

2 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. See also

5. References

tea 0.510

eggs 0.396

cracks 0.272

spiced 0.250

steep 0.163

steeping 0.163

shells 0.139

spice 0.133

egg 0.131

marbled 0.109

shell 0.101

flavor 0.096

anise 0.095

method 0.094

transferred 0.093

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory snack commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world.


19289 characters

10 sections

7 paragraphs

4 images

60 internal links

0 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and flavor

3. Regional

4. References

5. See also

tea 0.663

eggs 0.396

cracks 0.160

shell 0.148

tone 0.136

dark 0.113

vendors 0.113

egg 0.096

yolk 0.093

street 0.082

savory 0.081

sold 0.081

surfaces 0.080

brownish 0.080

core 0.080

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory snack commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world.


13460 characters

10 sections

7 paragraphs

2 images

30 internal links

0 external links

1. Preparation

2. Appearance and Flavor

3. Regional

4. References

5. See also

tea 0.670

eggs 0.384

cracks 0.155

tone 0.132

peel 0.119

cracked 0.119

simply 0.113

dark 0.109

vendors 0.109

shell 0.096

egg 0.093

yolk 0.091

street 0.079

savory 0.079

sold 0.079

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory snack commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world.


9683 characters

7 sections

5 paragraphs

1 images

27 internal links

0 external links

1. Preparation

2. Regional

3. References

4. See also

tea 0.658

eggs 0.415

cracked 0.175

vendors 0.161

egg 0.137

street 0.116

sold 0.116

marble 0.114

peeling 0.114

harder 0.114

pattern 0.114

colours 0.114

convenience 0.111

stores 0.100

bitter 0.097

Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory snack commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world.


6598 characters

1 sections

6 paragraphs

2 images

27 internal links

0 external links

1. References

tea 0.622

eggs 0.428

cracked 0.165

convenience 0.158

egg 0.156

vendors 0.152

stores 0.141

price 0.133

street 0.110

sold 0.109

colouring 0.108

marble 0.108

peeling 0.108

harder 0.108

pattern 0.108

Tea egg ( Chinese : 茶葉蛋 ; pinyin : chá yè dàn ; literally "tea leaf egg") is a typical Chinese savory snack commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world.


3655 characters

1 sections

3 paragraphs

1 images

9 internal links

0 external links

1. References

tea 0.507

cracked 0.308

stewed 0.283

egg 0.242

colouring 0.201

marble 0.201

peeling 0.201

pattern 0.201

eggs 0.199

reminiscent 0.171

letting 0.154

serves 0.142

communities 0.132

surface 0.124

shell 0.124

Tea egg (茶葉蛋; cha2 ye4 dan4; lit. tea leaf egg) is a typical Chinese savory snack commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world.