Naengmyeon [2] ( 냉면 ; 冷麵 , in S. Korea ) or raengmyŏn ( 랭면 , in N. Korea ) is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients, including buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, arrowroot starch (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Buckwheat predominates (despite the name, it is not a wheat but rather is more closely related to sorrel ). Other varieties of naengmyeon are made from ingredients such as seaweed and green tea .
Year | Metadata | Sections | Top Words | First Paragraph |
2018 |
55947 characters 7 sections 17 paragraphs 11 images 219 internal links 9 external links |
naengmyeon 0.805 냉면 0.195 hwe 0.156 mul 0.156 bibim 0.149 pyongyang 0.119 noodles 0.117 hamhung 0.117 raengmyŏn 0.117 buckwheat 0.096 broth 0.085 yeolmu 0.078 mustard 0.068 dressing 0.066 korean 0.061 |
Naengmyeon [2] ( 냉면 ; 冷麵 , in S. Korea ) or raengmyŏn ( 랭면 , in N. Korea ) is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients, including buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, arrowroot starch (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Buckwheat predominates (despite the name, it is not a wheat but rather is more closely related to sorrel ). Other varieties of naengmyeon are made from ingredients such as seaweed and green tea . |
2017 |
53586 characters 7 sections 15 paragraphs 11 images 214 internal links 8 external links |
naengmyeon 0.809 냉면 0.203 hwe 0.163 mul 0.163 bibim 0.156 noodles 0.122 hamhung 0.122 buckwheat 0.100 pyongyang 0.093 broth 0.089 raengmyŏn 0.081 yeolmu 0.081 mustard 0.071 dressing 0.069 dongchimi 0.062 |
Naengmyeon [2] ( 냉면 ; 冷麵 , in S. Korea ) or raengmyŏn ( 랭면 , in N. Korea ) is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients, including buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, arrowroot starch (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Buckwheat predominates (despite the name, it is not a wheat but rather is more closely related to sorrel ). Other varieties of naengmyeon are made from ingredients such as seaweed and green tea . |
2016 |
46434 characters 7 sections 16 paragraphs 12 images 205 internal links 5 external links |
naengmyeon 0.836 mul 0.188 냉면 0.188 bibim 0.173 noodles 0.134 hamhung 0.113 buckwheat 0.093 hoe 0.086 pyongyang 0.086 broth 0.082 yeolmu 0.075 korea 0.067 mustard 0.066 dressing 0.064 dongchimi 0.058 |
Naengmyeon ( Korean : 랭면 ( North Korea ), 냉면 ( South Korea ), also known as raengmyeon (in North Korea), naeng-myeon , naengmyun , or naeng-myun , meaning "cold noodles") is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients, including buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, arrowroot starch (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Buckwheat predominates (despite the name, it is not a wheat but rather is more closely related to sorrel ). Other varieties of naengmyeon are made from ingredients such as seaweed and green tea . |
2015 |
45527 characters 7 sections 14 paragraphs 11 images 203 internal links 5 external links |
naengmyeon 0.804 mul 0.210 냉면 0.210 bibim 0.193 noodles 0.138 hamhung 0.126 hoe 0.097 pyongyang 0.097 broth 0.092 korea 0.085 yeolmu 0.084 buckwheat 0.078 mustard 0.073 dressing 0.072 dongchimi 0.064 |
Naengmyeon ( Korean : 랭면 ( North Korea ), 냉면 ( South Korea ), also known as raengmyeon (in North Korea), naeng-myeon , naengmyun , or naeng-myun , meaning "cold noodles") is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients: buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, 칡냉면, naengmyun made with the starch from arrowroot (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Varieties with ingredients such as seaweed and green tea are available. In Korea it is a winter dish, rarely eaten during other seasons. |
2014 |
42903 characters 6 sections 13 paragraphs 11 images 203 internal links 5 external links |
naengmyeon 0.799 mul 0.218 냉면 0.218 bibim 0.200 noodles 0.143 hamhung 0.131 hoe 0.100 pyongyang 0.100 yeolmu 0.087 broth 0.083 buckwheat 0.081 korea 0.077 mustard 0.076 dressing 0.074 dongchimi 0.067 |
Naengmyeon ( Korean : 랭면 ( North Korea ), 냉면 ( South Korea ), also known as raengmyeon (in North Korea), naeng-myeon , naengmyun , or naeng-myun , meaning "cold noodles") is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients: buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, 칡냉면, naengmyun made with the starch from arrowroot (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Varieties with ingredients such as seaweed and green tea are available. According to the 19th century documents of Dongguksesigi (동국세시기, 東國歲時記), it has been made since the Joseon Dynasty . [1] |
2013 |
43056 characters 6 sections 13 paragraphs 11 images 203 internal links 5 external links |
naengmyeon 0.787 mul 0.223 냉면 0.223 bibim 0.205 noodles 0.147 hamhung 0.134 hoe 0.103 pyongyang 0.103 yeolmu 0.089 broth 0.086 buckwheat 0.083 korea 0.079 mustard 0.078 dressing 0.076 dongchimi 0.068 |
Naengmyeon ( Korean : 랭면 ( North Korea ), 냉면 ( South Korea ), also known as raengmyeon (in North Korea), naeng-myeon , naengmyun , or naeng-myun , meaning "cold noodles") is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients: buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, 칡냉면, naengmyun made with the starch from arrowroot (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Varieties with ingredients such as seaweed and green tea are available. According to the 19th century documents of Dongguksesigi (동국세시기, 東國歲時記), it has been made since the Joseon Dynasty . [1] |
2012 |
42931 characters 6 sections 13 paragraphs 11 images 203 internal links 5 external links |
naengmyeon 0.775 mul 0.230 냉면 0.230 bibim 0.211 noodles 0.151 pyongyang 0.141 hamhung 0.138 hoe 0.106 yeolmu 0.092 broth 0.088 buckwheat 0.085 mustard 0.080 dressing 0.078 dongchimi 0.070 korea 0.070 |
Raengmyeon ( Korean : 랭면 ( North Korea ), 냉면 ( South Korea ), also known as naeng-myeon , naengmyun , or naeng-myun , meaning "cold noodles") is a Korean noodle dish of long and thin handmade noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients: buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, 칡냉면, naengmyun made with the starch from arrowroot (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Varieties with ingredients such as seaweed and green tea are available. According to the 19th century documents of Dongguksesigi (동국세시기, 東國歲時記), it has been made since the Joseon Dynasty . [1] |
2011 |
17359 characters 5 sections 9 paragraphs 6 images 29 internal links 5 external links |
naengmyeon 0.774 냉면 0.253 noodles 0.166 bibim 0.155 pyongyang 0.155 hamhung 0.152 mul 0.152 hoe 0.116 yeolmu 0.101 broth 0.097 buckwheat 0.094 mustard 0.088 dressing 0.086 dongchimi 0.077 starch 0.071 |
Naengmyeon (hangul: 냉면 , naeng-myeon , naengmyun , naeng-myun , meaning "cold noodles") is a Korean dish of long and thin hand-made noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients: buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, 칡냉면, naengmyun made with the starch from arrowroot (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (칡, chik ). Varieties with ingredients such as seaweed and green tea are available. According to the 19th century documents of Dongguksesigi (동국세시기, 東國歲時記), it has been made since the Joseon Dynasty . [1] |
2010 |
17492 characters 5 sections 9 paragraphs 6 images 30 internal links 5 external links |
naengmyeon 0.780 냉면 0.255 noodles 0.167 bibim 0.156 pyongyang 0.156 hamhung 0.153 mul 0.153 hoe 0.117 yeolmu 0.102 broth 0.098 buckwheat 0.094 dressing 0.087 dongchimi 0.078 mustard 0.067 spicy 0.064 |
Naengmyeon (hangul: 냉면 , naeng-myeon , naengmyun , naeng-myun , meaning "cold noodles") is a Korean dish of long and thin hand-made noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients: buckwheat (메밀, memil ), potatoes, sweet potatoes, and kudzu (칡, chik ). Varieties with ingredients such as seaweed and green tea are available. According to the 19th century documents of Dongguksesigi (동국세시기, 東國歲時記), it has been made since the Joseon Dynasty . [1] |
2009 |
13470 characters 4 sections 7 paragraphs 5 images 29 internal links 1 external links |
naengmyeon 0.717 냉면 0.437 mul 0.187 noodles 0.137 yeolmu 0.125 dressing 0.106 cold 0.100 bibim 0.096 hoe 0.096 broth 0.085 exist 0.073 packaged 0.069 varieties 0.068 kimchi 0.063 korea 0.063 |
Naengmyeon (hangul: 냉면 ; also spelled naeng-myeon , naengmyun , naeng-myun ), literally "cold noodles," is a Korean dish . Originally a wintertime delicacy in the northern part of Korea which is now North Korea , it has become extremely popular throughout Korea during the summer. It consists of several varieties of thin, hand-made noodles (typically made from kudzu (칡 냉면 / chilk naengmyeon ) or buckwheat (메밀 냉면 / memil naengmyeon flour) (though seaweed and green tea varieties are also available in packaged form), and is traditionally served in a large stainless bowl with a tangy iced broth, raw julienned vegetables, slices of Korean pear , and often a boiled egg and/or cold beef). Spicy mustard and vinegar are often added before consumption. A tiny clear plastic package of mustard oil is often supplied with pre-packaged naengmyeon . |
2008 |
10305 characters 3 sections 6 paragraphs 3 images 27 internal links 0 external links |
naengmyeon 0.711 냉면 0.434 mul 0.186 noodles 0.136 morioka 0.124 yeolmu 0.124 dressing 0.106 cold 0.099 bibim 0.095 hoe 0.095 broth 0.085 exist 0.072 packaged 0.069 varieties 0.068 kimchi 0.063 |
Naengmyeon (hangul: 냉면 ; also spelled naeng-myeon , naengmyun , naeng-myun ), literally "cold noodles," is a Korean dish . Originally a wintertime delicacy in the northern part of Korea which is now North Korea , it has become extremely popular throughout Korea during the summer. It consists of several varieties of thin, hand-made noodles (typically made from kudzu (칡 냉면 / chilk naengmyeon ) or buckwheat (메밀 냉면 / memil naengmyeon flour) (though seaweed and green tea varieties are also available in packaged form), and is traditionally served in a large stainless bowl with a tangy iced broth, raw julienned vegetables, slices of Korean pear , and often a boiled egg and/or cold beef). Spicy mustard and vinegar are often added before consumption. A tiny clear plastic package of mustard oil is often supplied with pre-packaged naengmyeon . |
2007 |
8623 characters 2 sections 6 paragraphs 3 images 18 internal links 0 external links |
naengmyeon 0.698 냉면 0.414 mul 0.249 noodles 0.159 bibim 0.127 cold 0.107 exist 0.097 broth 0.091 korea 0.084 varying 0.083 wintertime 0.083 chile 0.083 hamhung 0.083 iced 0.083 memil 0.083 |
Naengmyeon ( 냉면 , Naeng-myeon , Naengmyun , Naeng-myun ), literally "cold noodles," is a Korean dish . Originally a wintertime delicacy in the northern part of Korea which is now North Korea , it has become extremely popular throughout Korea during the summer. It consists of several varieties of thin, hand-made noodles (typically made from kudzu (칡 냉면 / chilk naengmyeon ) or buckwheat (메밀 냉면 / memil naengmyeon flour) (though a seaweed variety is also available in packaged form), and is served in a large bowl with a tangy iced broth, raw julienned vegetables, a slice of a Korean pear, and often a boiled egg and/or cold beef. Spicy mustard and vinegar is often added before consumption. |
2006 |
3821 characters 1 sections 4 paragraphs 0 images 13 internal links 0 external links |
naengmyeon 0.745 냉면 0.354 mul 0.265 bibim 0.135 exist 0.103 broth 0.097 noodles 0.097 korea 0.090 varying 0.088 wintertime 0.088 chile 0.088 arrowroot 0.088 hamhung 0.088 iced 0.088 memil 0.088 |
Naengmyeon ( Naeng-myeon , Naengmyun , Naeng-myun ), literally "cold noodles," is a Korean dish . Originally a wintertime delicacy in the northern part of Korea which is now North Korea , it has become extremely popular throughout Korea during the summer. It consists of several varieties of thin, hand-made noodles (typically made from arrowroot (칡 냉면 / chilk naengmyeon ) or buckwheat (메밀 냉면 / memil naengmyeon flour)(though a seaweed variety is also available in packaged form), and is served in a large bowl with a tangy iced broth, raw julienned vegetables, a slice of a Korean pear, and often a boiled egg and/or cold beef. |
2005 |
3121 characters 1 sections 4 paragraphs 0 images 7 internal links 0 external links |
naengmyeon 0.769 mul 0.335 bibim 0.171 exist 0.131 broth 0.122 noodles 0.122 varying 0.112 arrowroot 0.112 hamhung 0.112 iced 0.112 물냉면 0.112 비빔냉면 0.112 cold 0.108 dressing 0.095 tangy 0.095 |
Template:Korean name hanja Naengmyeon , literally "cold noodles," is a Korean dish that is extremely popular during the summer. It consists of several varieties of thin, hand-made noodles (typically made from arrowroot (칡냉면/ chil knaengmyeon ) or buckwheat (모밀냉면/ momil naengmyeon flour), and is served in a large bowl with a tangy iced broth, raw julienned vegetables, a slice of a Korean pear, and often a boiled egg and/or cold beef. |