Year | Metadata | Sections | Top Words | First Paragraph |
2018 |
19870 characters 7 sections 5 paragraphs 4 images 34 internal links 7 external links |
miyeok 0.706 guk 0.392 vitamin 0.236 mussel 0.168 requirement 0.168 seaweed 0.146 anchovy 0.128 daily 0.104 women 0.104 recommended 0.098 clotting 0.084 lastly 0.084 미역국 0.084 absorb 0.071 mothers 0.071 |
Miyeok-guk [1] ( 미역국 ) or seaweed soup [1] is a Korean soup whose main ingredient is miyeok , or seaweed. |
2017 |
19149 characters 7 sections 5 paragraphs 4 images 30 internal links 7 external links |
miyeok 0.686 guk 0.366 vitamin 0.252 requirement 0.179 미역국 0.179 seaweed 0.156 anchovy 0.137 daily 0.111 women 0.111 recommended 0.105 clotting 0.090 lastly 0.090 mussel 0.090 absorb 0.076 mothers 0.076 |
Miyeok-guk [1] ( 미역국 ) or seaweed soup [1] is a Korean soup whose main ingredient is miyeok , or seaweed. |
2016 |
11749 characters 3 sections 3 paragraphs 4 images 33 internal links 4 external links |
miyeok 0.783 guk 0.478 mothers 0.174 nutrients 0.116 anchovy 0.104 birthdays 0.089 women 0.084 celebratory 0.068 recover 0.068 mussel 0.068 korean 0.061 remember 0.058 babies 0.058 clam 0.058 party 0.052 |
Miyeok guk is a Korean soup made from miyeok, a sea vegetable . Miyeok guk is most commonly made from a mussel based broth, but anchovy , beef , clam or oyster can also be used to make the broth. Korean soy sauce , sesame oil, garlic , and sometimes onions , scallions , salt , roasted sesame seeds, and dried or pickled shrimp are flavorings that can be used in miyeok guk. Miyeok guk is not spicy. |
2015 |
10761 characters 3 sections 4 paragraphs 4 images 20 internal links 3 external links |
miyeok 0.468 wakame 0.431 guk 0.358 women 0.189 newborn 0.153 soup 0.150 seaweed 0.133 softens 0.130 bringing 0.130 fortune 0.130 mothers 0.130 nutrients 0.130 passed 0.117 homes 0.117 birth 0.117 |
Miyeok guk is a Korean soup made from the sea vegetable known as wakame or "seaweed" in English. It comprises two words: miyeok , the Korean word for wakame; and guk , meaning " soup "." |
2014 |
10357 characters 2 sections 4 paragraphs 4 images 18 internal links 3 external links |
miyeok 0.466 wakame 0.429 guk 0.356 women 0.188 newborn 0.152 soup 0.150 sea 0.149 softens 0.130 bringing 0.130 fortune 0.130 mothers 0.130 nutrients 0.130 passed 0.117 homes 0.117 birth 0.117 |
Miyeok guk is a Korean soup made from the sea vegetable known as wakame or "sea mustard" in English. It comprises two words: miyeok , the Korean word for wakame; and guk , meaning " soup "." |
2013 |
10365 characters 2 sections 4 paragraphs 4 images 18 internal links 3 external links |
miyeok 0.466 wakame 0.429 guk 0.356 women 0.188 newborn 0.152 soup 0.150 sea 0.149 softens 0.130 bringing 0.130 fortune 0.130 mothers 0.130 nutrients 0.130 passed 0.117 homes 0.117 birth 0.117 |
Miyeok guk is a Korean soup made from the sea vegetable known as wakame or "sea mustard" in English. It comprises two words: miyeok , the Korean word for wakame; and guk , meaning " soup "." |
2012 |
9019 characters 2 sections 4 paragraphs 3 images 16 internal links 3 external links |
miyeok 0.723 guk 0.316 women 0.167 newborn 0.135 soup 0.133 sea 0.132 softens 0.115 bringing 0.115 fortune 0.115 mothers 0.115 nutrients 0.115 passed 0.103 homes 0.103 birth 0.103 iodine 0.103 |
Miyeok guk is a Korean soup made from the sea vegetable miyeok (also known as wakame in Japanese ). It comprises two words: miyeok , the Korean word for the sea vegetable; and guk , meaning " soup "." |
2011 |
6809 characters 2 sections 4 paragraphs 2 images 13 internal links 3 external links |
miyeok 0.750 guk 0.358 women 0.151 newborn 0.122 soup 0.120 sea 0.120 softens 0.104 bringing 0.104 fortune 0.104 mothers 0.104 nutrients 0.104 passed 0.094 homes 0.094 birth 0.094 iodine 0.094 |
Miyeok guk (also spelled miyeok guk ) is a Korean soup made from the sea vegetable miyeok . It comprises two words: miyeok , the Korean word for the sea vegetable; and guk , meaning " soup ." |
2010 |
6995 characters 2 sections 4 paragraphs 2 images 13 internal links 3 external links |
miyeok 0.750 guk 0.358 women 0.151 newborn 0.122 soup 0.120 sea 0.120 softens 0.104 bringing 0.104 fortune 0.104 mothers 0.104 nutrients 0.104 passed 0.094 homes 0.094 birth 0.094 iodine 0.094 |
Miyeok guk (also spelled miyeok guk ) is a Korean soup made from the sea vegetable miyeok . It comprises two words: miyeok , the Korean word for the sea vegetable; and guk , meaning " soup ." |
2009 |
8039 characters 2 sections 3 paragraphs 2 images 23 internal links 3 external links |
miyeok 0.579 guk 0.442 wakame 0.266 birth 0.193 women 0.156 coastal 0.126 saturated 0.126 child 0.126 whitefish 0.126 scientists 0.126 sauteed 0.107 german 0.107 fortune 0.107 nutrients 0.107 soup 0.099 |
Miyeok guk (also spelled miyeok guk ) is a type of Korean soup made from the sea vegetable wakame . It comprises two words: miyeok , meaning "wakame"; and guk , meaning " soup ." Korean people traditionally eat this soup on their birthday , and is thought to bring good fortune for the rest of the year. Miyeok guk is also typically consumed by women in the period after giving birth to a child, but is also eaten widely in homes and restaurants in Korea. |
2008 |
8052 characters 2 sections 3 paragraphs 2 images 23 internal links 3 external links |
miyeok 0.586 guk 0.447 wakame 0.269 birth 0.195 women 0.158 saturated 0.128 child 0.128 whitefish 0.128 scientists 0.128 sauteed 0.109 german 0.109 fortune 0.109 nutrients 0.109 soup 0.100 boil 0.098 |
Miyeok guk (also spelled miyeok guk ) is a type of Korean soup made from the sea vegetable wakame . It comprises of two words: miyeok , meaning "wakame"; and guk , meaning " soup ." Korean people traditionally eat this soup on their birthday , and is thought to bring good fortune for the rest of the year. Miyeok guk is also typically consumed by women in the period after giving birth to a child, but is also eaten widely in homes and restaurants in Korea. |
2007 |
5182 characters 1 sections 4 paragraphs 1 images 9 internal links 2 external links |
miyeok 0.359 guk 0.274 birth 0.240 wakame 0.220 soup 0.215 seaweed 0.205 mother 0.193 recommended 0.183 commemorate 0.157 saturated 0.157 child 0.157 1900s 0.157 scientists 0.157 미역국 0.157 definition 0.133 |
Miyeok guk is a traditional soup of Korean origin made from the sea vegetable wakame . In Korean it is called Miyeok guk (미역국), and when translated by definition into English: wakame = 미역, and soup = 국. It is a soup that is traditionally consumed on one's birthday, and is thought to bring good luck for the rest of the year. It is also recommended for a mother that has just given birth to a child. |
2006 |
1541 characters 0 sections 2 paragraphs 0 images 4 internal links 0 external links |
seaweed 0.341 guk 0.305 saturated 0.261 child 0.261 미역국 0.261 definition 0.222 sauteed 0.222 bringing 0.222 soup 0.205 boil 0.200 birth 0.200 weddings 0.184 wakame 0.184 mother 0.161 recommended 0.152 |
Miyuk Guk is a traditional soup of Korean origin made from Wakame . In Korean it is called Miyuk Guk (미역국), and when translated by definition into English: Seaweed = 미역, and soup = 국. It is a soup that is traditionally consumed during weddings and for a mother that has just given birth to a child. |