Soups & stews
Year | Metadata | Sections | Top Words | First Paragraph |
2018 |
299549 characters 43 sections 99 paragraphs 49 images 918 internal links 85 external links |
korean 0.230 dog 0.160 foods 0.159 kimchi 0.150 gochujang 0.149 royal 0.124 korea 0.119 period 0.111 soups 0.107 meals 0.103 grains 0.097 palace 0.094 wines 0.094 fermented 0.094 dishes 0.093 |
Korean cuisine is the customary cooking traditions and practices of the culinary arts of Korea . Korean cuisine has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in Korea and southern Manchuria , Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends. [1] [2] |
2017 |
319497 characters 44 sections 93 paragraphs 64 images 969 internal links 87 external links |
korean 0.243 dog 0.163 foods 0.158 kimchi 0.152 royal 0.126 korea 0.114 period 0.110 soups 0.109 meals 0.105 grains 0.098 palace 0.096 wines 0.095 drink 0.094 bce 0.094 peninsula 0.094 |
Korean cuisine has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in the Korean peninsula and southern Manchuria , Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends. [1] [2] |
2016 |
292772 characters 38 sections 89 paragraphs 49 images 953 internal links 67 external links |
korean 0.231 dog 0.165 kimchi 0.154 foods 0.146 royal 0.128 meals 0.112 period 0.111 soups 0.110 korea 0.108 grains 0.100 palace 0.097 wines 0.097 fermented 0.096 drink 0.095 bce 0.095 |
Korean cuisine has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in the Korean peninsula and southern Manchuria , Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends. [2] [3] |
2015 |
288502 characters 38 sections 86 paragraphs 48 images 952 internal links 66 external links |
korean 0.236 dog 0.166 kimchi 0.156 foods 0.152 royal 0.129 meals 0.113 soups 0.111 korea 0.109 period 0.108 grains 0.101 palace 0.098 wines 0.097 fermented 0.097 drink 0.096 bce 0.096 |
Korean cuisine has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in the Korean peninsula and southern Manchuria , Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends. [2] [3] |
2014 |
266556 characters 38 sections 86 paragraphs 45 images 838 internal links 60 external links |
korean 0.233 kimchi 0.158 foods 0.145 dog 0.144 royal 0.131 meals 0.115 soups 0.112 period 0.110 korea 0.107 grains 0.102 palace 0.099 wines 0.099 fermented 0.098 drink 0.097 peninsula 0.097 |
Korean cuisine has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in southern Manchuria and the Korean peninsula , Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends. [2] [3] |
2013 |
265554 characters 38 sections 83 paragraphs 43 images 829 internal links 62 external links |
korean 0.228 kimchi 0.161 foods 0.148 royal 0.134 soups 0.129 meals 0.117 korea 0.113 period 0.112 grains 0.104 palace 0.102 wines 0.101 fermented 0.101 drink 0.099 peninsula 0.099 dishes 0.097 |
Korean cuisine as a national cuisine known today has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in southern Manchuria and the Korean peninsula , Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends. [2] [3] |
2012 |
263786 characters 38 sections 83 paragraphs 42 images 826 internal links 59 external links |
korean 0.225 kimchi 0.161 foods 0.158 royal 0.134 soups 0.122 meals 0.117 korea 0.117 period 0.112 grains 0.104 palace 0.102 wines 0.101 fermented 0.101 dishes 0.100 drink 0.099 peninsula 0.099 |
Korean cuisine originated from prehistoric traditions in the Korean peninsula [2] evolving through a complex interaction of environmental, political, and cultural trends. [3] |
2011 |
247814 characters 36 sections 80 paragraphs 37 images 762 internal links 58 external links |
korean 0.226 kimchi 0.162 foods 0.158 royal 0.134 meals 0.118 korea 0.117 soups 0.116 period 0.113 grains 0.105 palace 0.102 wines 0.101 fermented 0.101 dishes 0.100 peninsula 0.100 rice 0.092 |
Korean cuisine originated from prehistoric traditions in the Korean peninsula [2] evolving through a complex interaction of environmental, political, and cultural trends. [3] |
2010 |
258486 characters 34 sections 86 paragraphs 39 images 811 internal links 59 external links |
korean 0.207 soups 0.150 foods 0.144 royal 0.134 korea 0.129 period 0.128 kimchi 0.125 meals 0.118 peninsula 0.111 grains 0.105 palace 0.102 wines 0.101 dishes 0.100 bce 0.100 silla 0.099 |
Korean cuisine originated from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in the Korean peninsula and southern Manchuria , and has evolved through a complex interaction of environmental, political, and cultural trends. [2] [3] |
2009 |
248880 characters 33 sections 81 paragraphs 40 images 841 internal links 51 external links |
korean 0.208 soups 0.146 period 0.138 korea 0.135 meals 0.134 foods 0.133 royal 0.130 kimchi 0.120 peninsula 0.113 grains 0.107 wines 0.104 bce 0.102 silla 0.101 palace 0.094 ce 0.091 |
Korean cuisine as a national cuisine known today has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Its roots can be traced back to myths and legends of antiquity. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in southern Manchuria and northern Korean peninsula , Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends. [2] [3] |
2008 |
186783 characters 33 sections 65 paragraphs 32 images 786 internal links 28 external links |
soups 0.173 korean 0.160 meals 0.158 period 0.144 foods 0.136 kimchi 0.131 wines 0.129 peninsula 0.127 korea 0.121 grains 0.113 silla 0.110 jjigae 0.109 royal 0.108 palace 0.104 cattle 0.099 |
Korean cuisine as a national cuisine known today has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Its roots can be traced back to myths and legends of antiquity. Evolving from a cuisine which was highly influenced by Chinese culture with Buddhism and Confucianism , the cuisine eventually came into its own by differentiating itself in a number of ways. |
2007 |
131353 characters 26 sections 42 paragraphs 27 images 612 internal links 23 external links |
dog 0.269 wines 0.210 korean 0.195 manners 0.175 gimbap 0.175 table 0.174 banchan 0.173 liquor 0.149 acceptable 0.149 koreans 0.149 rules 0.134 royal 0.120 ppang 0.119 mouth 0.117 spoon 0.115 |
Korean cuisine is based on the traditional foods and preparation techniques of Korea . From the complex Korean royal court cuisine to regional specialties and modern fusion cuisine , their ingredients and preparation are richly varied. Many dishes are becoming internationally popular. The foods described in this article are very different from Korean royal court cuisine , which is, to this day, widely enjoyed by the Korean masses. |
2006 |
96811 characters 27 sections 41 paragraphs 21 images 498 internal links 12 external links |
cs1 0.376 mw 0.356 output 0.356 parser 0.356 lock 0.209 svg 0.125 wines 0.125 background 0.125 dog 0.125 korean 0.116 spoon 0.110 liquor 0.107 ppang 0.107 inherit 0.104 table 0.096 |
Korean cuisine is the traditional food of Korea . From the complex Korean royal court cuisine to regional specialties to modern fusion cuisine , the ingredients and preparation are richly varied, and many dishes are becoming internationally popular. The foods described in this article are very different from Korean royal court cuisine , and are only popular to the common people. Korean cuisine is said to be a health food. Kimchi itself was ranked one of the five healthiest foods in the world. Although no research has been done regarding Korean cuisine. The fermentation process is believed to create special bacteria that prevent many diseases and may relate to Korean women having the lowest cancer rate in the world. |
2005 |
70069 characters 16 sections 33 paragraphs 10 images 428 internal links 4 external links |
1. Traditional Korean table settings 2. Traditional Korean foods and dishes 3. Korean liquors, wines, and beer |
wines 0.343 korean 0.259 liquor 0.219 koreans 0.182 table 0.148 chopsticks 0.136 dishes 0.132 royal 0.126 soju 0.121 spoon 0.113 person 0.113 dog 0.110 kimchi 0.109 fusion 0.100 portion 0.100 |
Korean cuisine is the traditional food of Koreans in Korea and overseas country. From the complex ritual of Korean royal court cuisine to the food of the inland cities like Seoul and the port cities like Incheon and Busan , the cuisine is varied, fascinating, and becoming internationally popular. Korean cuisine has been widely eaten in northeast China for decades, though its popularity seems to be fading. |
2004 |
16484 characters 6 sections 11 paragraphs 1 images 56 internal links 2 external links |
1. Traditional Non-Royal Korean table settings 2. Traditional Korean table manners |
korean 0.279 koreans 0.265 person 0.219 fusion 0.195 chopsticks 0.165 spoon 0.164 table 0.159 dishes 0.144 dog 0.142 picking 0.142 shared 0.142 finish 0.142 chopstick 0.128 royal 0.122 soup 0.115 |
Korean cuisine , made for common people, is based largely on rice , vegetables , fish , seaweed and tofu ( dubu in Korean). Typical Korean meals are named for the number of side dishes ( banchan ) that accompany the ubiquitous rice , soup , and kimchi (fermented vegetables). Three dishes, five dishes, and up to twelve side-dish meals are served depending upon the circumstances. Korean food derives its pungent flavours from various combinations of sesame oil , soybean paste , soy sauce , salt , garlic , ginger and, most importantly, chilli pepper , which gives it its distinctive spicy taste. |
2003 |
11831 characters 6 sections 11 paragraphs 0 images 46 internal links 2 external links |
1. Traditional Non-Royal Korean table settings 2. Traditional Korean table manners |
koreans 0.287 korean 0.281 fusion 0.210 person 0.177 table 0.172 dishes 0.155 shared 0.153 finish 0.153 chopsticks 0.142 royal 0.132 soup 0.124 meals 0.122 start 0.118 side 0.114 eat 0.111 |
2002 |
6291 characters 3 sections 9 paragraphs 0 images 38 internal links 0 external links |
fusion 0.397 korean 0.303 spellings 0.170 satisfied 0.170 cushions 0.170 eater 0.170 wikipedia 0.170 creations 0.170 dog 0.145 spiciness 0.145 acceptable 0.145 seated 0.145 perfectly 0.145 presentation 0.145 dubu 0.145 |
Korean cuisine is largely based on rice , vegetables , fish , seaweed and tofu (dubu in Korean) . A typical Korean meal consists of rice , soup and a variety of side dishes which are often fermented to achieve a "pickled" quality. Korean food derives its pungent flavors from various combinations of sesame oil, soybean paste, soy sauce, salt , garlic , ginger and, most importantly, red pepper , which gives it its distinctive spiciness. |
2001 |
1687 characters 0 sections 8 paragraphs 0 images 3 internal links 0 external links |
dog 0.522 games 0.409 slaughtering 0.348 government 0.252 1988 0.204 korean 0.182 demanded 0.174 issue 0.174 citizens 0.174 game 0.156 asked 0.144 horse 0.144 numerous 0.134 cup 0.134 avoid 0.126 |
During the 1988 Summer Olympic games at Seoul, the Korean government asked their citizens not to consume dog meat as food to avoid bad publicity during the game. |