Century egg or Pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , millennium egg, skin egg and black egg , is a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash , salt , quicklime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. [1]
Year | Metadata | Sections | Top Words | First Paragraph |
2018 |
56215 characters 12 sections 14 paragraphs 11 images 118 internal links 10 external links |
eggs 0.423 century 0.274 egg 0.241 oxide 0.200 urine 0.200 pounds 0.170 zinc 0.160 congee 0.123 ash 0.122 clay 0.113 calcium 0.105 lead 0.105 curing 0.102 chemical 0.102 odor 0.102 |
Century egg or Pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , millennium egg, skin egg and black egg , is a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash , salt , quicklime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. [1] |
2017 |
54107 characters 10 sections 14 paragraphs 11 images 118 internal links 10 external links |
eggs 0.410 century 0.274 egg 0.241 oxide 0.200 urine 0.200 pounds 0.171 zinc 0.160 congee 0.124 ash 0.123 clay 0.113 process 0.109 calcium 0.105 lead 0.105 curing 0.102 odor 0.102 |
Century egg or Pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , millennium egg, skin egg and black egg , is a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash , salt , quicklime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. [1] |
2016 |
50591 characters 10 sections 14 paragraphs 11 images 115 internal links 10 external links |
eggs 0.412 century 0.275 egg 0.223 oxide 0.201 urine 0.201 pounds 0.171 zinc 0.161 congee 0.124 ash 0.123 clay 0.113 process 0.109 calcium 0.106 lead 0.106 curing 0.103 odor 0.103 |
Century egg or pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , and millennium egg , is a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash , salt , quicklime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. [1] |
2015 |
45246 characters 9 sections 13 paragraphs 11 images 105 internal links 7 external links |
eggs 0.427 century 0.294 egg 0.228 oxide 0.215 urine 0.215 pounds 0.183 zinc 0.172 congee 0.133 ash 0.132 clay 0.121 calcium 0.113 ph 0.110 reaction 0.110 process 0.102 chunks 0.099 |
Century egg or pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , and millennium egg , is a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash , salt , quicklime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. [1] |
2014 |
44546 characters 9 sections 14 paragraphs 10 images 101 internal links 7 external links |
eggs 0.458 century 0.296 egg 0.230 curing 0.185 pounds 0.185 urine 0.173 zinc 0.173 congee 0.134 quicklime 0.130 clay 0.122 ammonia 0.111 odor 0.111 ph 0.111 chunks 0.100 ash 0.100 |
Century egg or pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , and millennium egg , is a Chinese cuisine ingredient made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash, salt , quicklime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. [1] |
2013 |
48401 characters 10 sections 13 paragraphs 11 images 106 internal links 9 external links |
eggs 0.438 century 0.283 egg 0.219 urine 0.207 curing 0.176 ph 0.176 pounds 0.176 quicklime 0.166 zinc 0.166 ammonia 0.141 congee 0.128 ash 0.127 oxide 0.124 clay 0.117 odor 0.106 |
Century egg or pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , and millennium egg , is a Chinese cuisine ingredient made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash, salt , quicklime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. [1] |
2012 |
45873 characters 10 sections 13 paragraphs 10 images 102 internal links 9 external links |
eggs 0.433 century 0.289 egg 0.234 urine 0.212 curing 0.180 pounds 0.180 quicklime 0.169 zinc 0.169 ammonia 0.144 ph 0.144 congee 0.131 ash 0.130 oxide 0.127 clay 0.119 odor 0.108 |
Century egg or pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , and millennium egg , is a Chinese cuisine ingredient made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash, salt , quicklime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. |
2011 |
46531 characters 10 sections 13 paragraphs 10 images 110 internal links 10 external links |
eggs 0.436 century 0.291 egg 0.235 urine 0.213 curing 0.181 pounds 0.181 zinc 0.170 ammonia 0.145 ph 0.145 congee 0.131 ash 0.130 oxide 0.128 quicklime 0.128 clay 0.120 odor 0.109 |
Century egg or pidan ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ), also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , and millennium egg , is a Chinese cuisine ingredient made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash, salt , lime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. |
2010 |
39249 characters 9 sections 13 paragraphs 7 images 96 internal links 8 external links |
eggs 0.447 century 0.301 egg 0.245 urine 0.212 pounds 0.180 clay 0.149 curing 0.144 ammonia 0.144 ph 0.144 congee 0.131 ash 0.130 oxide 0.127 quicklime 0.127 zinc 0.127 myth 0.108 |
Century egg , also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , and millennium egg (or Pidan in Mandarin ), is a Chinese cuisine ingredient made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash, salt , lime , and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. Through the process, the yolk becomes a dark green, cream-like substance with a strong odor of sulphur and ammonia , while the white becomes a dark brown, transparent jelly with little flavor. [ citation needed ] The transforming agent in the century egg is its alkaline material, which gradually raises the pH of the egg to around 9, 12, or more. [1] This chemical process breaks down some of the complex, flavorless proteins and fats, which produces a variety of smaller flavorful compounds. |
2009 |
38786 characters 9 sections 14 paragraphs 8 images 83 internal links 6 external links |
eggs 0.457 century 0.289 egg 0.235 urine 0.203 pounds 0.173 clay 0.143 curing 0.139 ph 0.139 congee 0.126 ash 0.125 alkaline 0.125 hydroxide 0.122 oxide 0.122 quicklime 0.122 zinc 0.122 |
Century egg , also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , and thousand-year-old egg , is a Chinese cuisine ingredient made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash, salt , lime , and rice hull for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. After the process is completed, the yolk becomes a dark green, cream-like substance with a strong odor of sulphur and ammonia, while the white becomes a dark brown, transparent jelly with little flavor or taste. The transforming agent in the century egg is its alkaline material, which gradually raises the pH of the egg from around 9 to 12 or more. [1] This chemical process breaks down some of the complex, flavorless proteins and fats, which produces a variety of smaller flavourful compounds. |
2008 |
31924 characters 9 sections 12 paragraphs 7 images 76 internal links 3 external links |
eggs 0.442 century 0.281 egg 0.215 ph 0.190 pounds 0.190 clay 0.157 curing 0.152 alkaline 0.136 hydroxide 0.134 oxide 0.134 quicklime 0.134 urine 0.134 zinc 0.134 sodium 0.124 ammonia 0.114 |
Century egg , also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , and thousand-year-old egg , is a Chinese cuisine ingredient made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in mixture of clay , ash, salt , lime , and rice straw for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. After the process is completed, the yolk becomes a dark green, cream-like substance with a strong odor of sulphur and ammonia, while the white becomes a dark brown, transparent jelly with little flavour or taste. The transforming agent in the century egg is its alkaline material, which gradually raises the pH of the egg from around 9 to 12 or more. [1] This chemical process breaks down some of the complex, flavorless proteins and fats, which produces a variety of smaller flavourful compounds. |
2007 |
27523 characters 10 sections 10 paragraphs 5 images 69 internal links 2 external links |
eggs 0.494 century 0.343 egg 0.209 pounds 0.206 clay 0.204 curing 0.164 alkaline 0.148 congee 0.119 ash 0.111 lean 0.111 hardens 0.097 quicklime 0.097 urine 0.097 zinc 0.097 julienned 0.095 |
Century egg , also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg and thousand-year-old egg is a Chinese cuisine ingredient made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in mixture of clay , ash , salt , lime , and rice straw for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. After the process is completed, the yolk becomes a dark green, cream-like substance with a strong odor of sulfur and ammonia, while the white becomes a dark brown, transparent jelly with little flavor or taste. The transforming agent in century egg is its alkaline material, which gradually raises the pH of egg from around 9 to 12 or more. [1] This chemical process causes an "inorganic version" of fermentation , which breaks down some of the complex, flavorless proteins and fats into simpler, flavorful ones. |
2006 |
17992 characters 7 sections 9 paragraphs 4 images 56 internal links 2 external links |
eggs 0.499 century 0.334 egg 0.258 pounds 0.208 clay 0.206 curing 0.166 congee 0.120 ash 0.112 alkaline 0.112 hardens 0.098 pídàn 0.098 quicklime 0.098 urine 0.098 julienned 0.096 recipe 0.091 |
The century egg , also known as preserved egg , hundred-year egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg , ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ; literally: "springy egg", or, Chinese : 松花蛋 ; pinyin : sōnghuādàn ; literally: "pine-patterned egg") ; ( ไข่เยี่ยวม้า khai-yiew-ma (in Thai)) is a Chinese delicacy made by preserving duck , chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay , ash , salt , lime , and rice straw for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. The yolk of the egg is concentrically variegated in pale and dark green colors while the egg white is dark brown and transparent, like cola . The yolk is creamy with a strong aroma and an almost cheese-like flavor. The egg white has a gelatinous texture similar to cooked egg white, but has very little taste. Some eggs have patterns near the surface of the egg white which are likened to pine branches. |
2005 |
16097 characters 5 sections 8 paragraphs 5 images 53 internal links 1 external links |
eggs 0.452 egg 0.264 pounds 0.233 clay 0.231 century 0.225 curing 0.187 alkaline 0.168 congee 0.135 ash 0.126 preserved 0.122 hardens 0.110 patterned 0.110 pídàn 0.110 quicklime 0.110 urine 0.110 |
The century egg , a.k.a. preserved egg , thousand-year egg , thousand-year-old egg ; ( Chinese : 皮蛋 ; pinyin : pídàn ; lit . leather egg) or ( Chinese : 松花蛋 ; pinyin : sōnghūadàn ; lit . Pine patterned egg) is a Chinese delicacy made by preserving duck (or less commonly chicken ) eggs in a mixture of clay , ash , salt and lime for around only 100 days, despite the name. The yolk of the egg is concentrically variegated in pale and dark green colors while the egg white is dark brown and transparent like cola . The yolk is creamy and somewhat cheese-like in flavor with a strong aroma. The egg white has a gelatinous texture similar to cooked egg white, however with very little taste. The surface of the egg white is sometimes patterned with a snow-flake pattern. |
2004 |
5799 characters 0 sections 5 paragraphs 3 images 13 internal links 0 external links |
eggs 0.418 pounds 0.414 congee 0.240 pidan 0.194 myth 0.166 preserved 0.162 lime 0.155 lean 0.149 practiced 0.137 clay 0.137 covered 0.114 100 0.108 basket 0.097 150 0.097 eighths 0.097 |
Thousand-year eggs (皮蛋 pidan , 松花蛋) are a Chinese delicacy. Despite the name, they are actually only 100-day old duck eggs preserved in a mixture of charcoal and lime. They are greenish in color, and have a creamy cheese-like flavor. They are also known as century eggs , and have a strong aroma. |
2003 |
1072 characters 0 sections 2 paragraphs 0 images 3 internal links 0 external links |
creamy 0.429 eggs 0.333 preserved 0.280 100 0.280 charcoal 0.280 lime 0.267 despite 0.267 duck 0.236 cheese 0.228 delicacy 0.228 color 0.220 cantonese 0.171 year 0.153 mixture 0.149 day 0.128 |
Thousand-year eggs are a Chinese delicacy. Despite the name, they are actually only 100-day old duck eggs preserved in a mixture of charcoal and lime. They are greenish in color, and have a creamy cheese-like flavor. |